Recent Successes

Profitable from Day One : How a Bootstrapped SaaS Found a Successful Exit
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From Creative Director to Successful Entrepreneur: How This Founder Built and Sold an 8 Figure E-commerce Business.
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Leading the
Industry Forward
Closed Transactions
Success Rate
$ 48M
Avarage Transaction
Qualified Buyers
How Can We Help?
Investment Banking
Investment banking built for the middle market including M&A, private capital placement, and valuation services provided by FE Capital Markets.
Private Sales & Acquisitions
Buy or sell privately held technology businesses with our seasoned team that boasts over 1,500 successful acquisitions and a 94.1% success rate.
Due Diligence Services
Gain a clear, strategic view of a company’s financials and operations with our comprehensive due diligence services.
Early Stage Funding
Streamline your capital raise with Funden: a managed fundraising service for busy founders.