Sold SaaS

SaaS - B2B Conversion Rate Optimization & Social Media Marketing - $5.8K gross/mo


For sale is a highly-rated B2B SaaS business in the social media marketing and conversion rate optimization niche.

Since inception in 2014, the business has scaled by offering a highly intuitive software for e-commerce business owners looking to collect, organize, and publish user-generated content from Instagram to their websites. With a feature-rich solution, the business delivers an effective product that has shown to generate an increase in conversions.

Social media is steadily becoming the go-to channel for businesses to engage with consumers, with up to 50% of consumers stating that user-generated content (social proof) will make them more likely to purchase a product. Businesses have quickly realized this and are now spending up to $15 billion each year on social media marketing. With a well-developed and effective social media marketing solution, the business is optimally-positioned to benefit from these dynamics.

The business integrates with all of the major e-commerce platforms to help business owners improve their conversion rates. With highly-rated software, the business boasts attractive unit economics for a new owner to invest in growth.

The business presents a great acquisition opportunity for a new owner to acquire a scalable B2B SaaS business with a reputable brand in a steadily-growing niche.