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The information on this Site is for informational purposes only, and is not an offering of or a solicitation to purchase securities or otherwise make an investment. Securities may only be offered or sold pursuant to registration of securities or an exemption therefrom using offering documents and sales of securities will be limited strictly to those persons who are qualified as defined in Regulation D promulgated under the United States Securities Act of 1933.

The purchase of the privately placed securities of a non-public company (“Securities”) is, in general, a highly speculative investment and should be undertaken only by persons who are financially able to bear the loss of their entire investment and who have no need for liquidity of their investment in the Issuer of such Securities (“Issuer”). Such investments involve various risks relating to the nature of the financing and potentially the state and federal legalities surrounding the Issuer, the nature and stage of development of the Issuer's business, and the business sector in which it operates.